Dedicated to Awareness, Compassion, and Intimacy with the Present Moment
Personal Statement
My passion is to cultivate and nurture the living of a purposeful life, a life of wisdom and love and embodied awakening, a life of intimacy with all that we are. Providing a space in which self-exploration, transformation, healing, and integration can occur is my vocation and my privilege.
Throughout my life, I have explored various wisdom traditions, maps of human experience, and practices of mindfulness, embodiment, and movement. I am committed to the ever-deepening process of integrating heart, mind, body, and soul in order to experience reality as it is -- beautiful, unknowable, and seamless.
I have a profound regard for the spectrum of ways people suffer from mental distress as well as certainty about the human capacity to heal from that distress. I believe becoming who we are meant to be, and already fundamentally are, is an ongoing evolutionary practice known as our life. I am grateful to be in deeply loving relationships with family and friends who hold me, stretch me, and nourish me, growing my capacity for life.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there.